8 Golf Course Landscaping Tips Before Summer Arrives

8 Golf Course Landscaping Tips Before Summer Arrives

April 28, 2022

With summer on the horizon, golf courses will see a rush of golfers hitting the green, and that means it's essential to get your landscaping in order before golfers roll in. The worst thing a golf course manager can do is ignore landscaping maintenance. 

The appearance of your course can have a significant effect on your customers' experience. So, as you prepare your golf course for summer, consider the following landscaping tips to have your fairway look its best all season long.

Remove Weeds and Other Debris From the Course

Before opening season, remove weeds and any other debris from the course. If you see dead leaves or branches hanging around, get rid of them as soon as possible. They can harbor diseases and pests that damage the grass and other plants.

Repair or Replace Any Signage That Has Become Illegible

You don't want guests getting lost in their carts on the way to the first tee or while they're looking for the bathroom or pro shop! Be sure to repair or replace any signage that has become illegible or damaged due to wear and tear - this includes tee box signs, yardage markers, and directional signs.

Treat Excessive Pond Algae

Excessive algae can look unsightly and attract mosquitoes to the course, which can be a nuisance to those trying to enjoy their game. To ensure that your ponds add beauty to your course, clear any algae from the water and treat it with pond dye to improve its color and prevent future overgrowth. 

Fertilize the Course and Plant Grass Seeds Over Dirt Patches

Winter can cause dirt patches to appear on the green, but you can solve this problem by planting grass seeds in these areas. Planting grass seeds now will give them a chance to grow before summer hits and people start using the course more frequently. 

You may also want to fertilize the rest of your lawn at this time, especially if it hasn't been done recently. Doing so will help the grass stay green and healthy throughout the summer months.

Remove Weeds From the Course and Surrounding Soil

Walk your course and look for any weeds or other issues with your grass. You want your golfers to be able to focus on their game and not be distracted by overgrown grass or any other problems with the turf. If you have wooded areas on your course that are not part of the fairways, see if any weeds are growing there to prevent overgrowth from affecting your playing surface or obstructing fairway views.

Repair Any Broken Sprinklers on the Course

One of the most common problems golf courses face during the winter is broken sprinklers. Whether they're damaged by freezing temperatures or just old age, broken sprinklers can be a big problem for golf courses because they cause grass areas to brown and die. So before the summer hits, ensure that you repair any broken sprinklers on your course.

Trim Edges Around the Course

When preparing the course for the increased summer foot traffic, don't neglect to trim the edges. If you're not careful, stray golf balls could roll up against the edge of the course and get stuck in the weeds or tall grass there.

Use Lawn Paint for a Richer, Greener-Looking Course

The key to creating a beautiful golf course is to use the right landscaping products. Using lawn paint can make your grass look greener and more vibrant. The landscape of your golf course will have a significant impact on your customers' experience. 

Lawn dye is a fantastic, long-term solution for hiding brown patches and making the color of the grass on your course more uniform. You can easily apply it using a standard garden pump sprayer, and it is non-hazardous to people or animals.

Revive Your Fairway for the Summer

With a few simple tips and tricks, you can ensure your course is ready for summer. But don't wait for the warm weather to start planning your lawn care routine. Instead, start this month, and you'll be on your way to a green, lush fairway all season long.

Is your golf course looking a little worse for wear? Don't just accept the inevitable browning of your grass—fight back! At Solargen, we provide golf course superintendents with a wide variety of eco-friendly, easy-to-use lawn paints for any landscaping job. Visit our website or contact us today to learn more about our lawn paint and dye products.